Recipes & Cuisines

3 Best Aussie Recipes for your Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

3 Best Aussie Recipes for your Wood-Fired Pizza Oven 0

Let’s start with three of some of the best Aussie recipes for your wood fired pizza ovens. While these are not traditional Australian food, these recipes have ingredients which you can easily find wherever you are in the world. 

  • Authentic Pizza Ovens
Meat Dishes You Can Cook in a Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Meat Dishes You Can Cook in a Wood-Fired Pizza Oven 0

Many people are hesitant to buy an outdoor kitchen pizza oven because they think pizza is the only thing you can cook in it. However, nowadays, people are using pizza ovens for cooking many other food dishes besides pizza. One of the most popular alternative food dishes to cook in a wood-fired pizza oven is meat dishes.

There are more than one hundred meat dishes you can cook in the pizza oven. If you are wondering how to cook meat in a wood-fired oven, we will discuss some of those ways below.  

5 Easiest Dishes To Cook in A Wood-Fired Oven

5 Easiest Dishes To Cook in A Wood-Fired Oven 0

Modern-day living is synonymous with dining out. On average, Australians eat out at least four times a month. That means an average of 51.5 million visits to fast-food restaurants every month. The experience is exciting and practical at times. However, you will soon get tired of the same, sometimes bland fast-food meals. You will crave healthy, well-balanced home-cooked meals. So why not cook with a  wood-fired oven? But pizza is the farthest from your mind. So, what can you cook in a wood-fired oven besides pizza, you may wonder.