Wood Fire Pizza Ovens vs Gas Pizza Ovens: Which Should You Choose?

While there are both pros and cons to gas and wood-burning pizza ovens alike, the two are in no way created equal. Because of this, the choice between the two may seem like a daunting task. 

This article will touch on the primary differences between gas and wood-burning pizza ovens and explain why wood-burning ovens are significantly better if you’re after a quality, flavourful pizza.

#1: Temperature

The most significant difference between the two is that not all gas ovens are capable of reaching the optimal heat for pizza cooking. This is because the gas that heats a gas oven is only capable of burning up to a specific heat, while wood-burning ovens have temperature variations that often depend on the wood you’re using.

Additionally, wood-burning ovens will often heat quicker due to the fire being built directly on the bottom, which allows you to spread the coals around and heat the entire space evenly. 

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The Pizzaioli stone arch is our *very* Italian style pizza oven! The sister to the original Pizzaioli just with a different stone facade! While all of our wood fired pizza ovens are brilliant, the Pizzaioli is our most authentic model and is ideal for true Italian-style pizza (in just 90 seconds!). $2,795.00 AUD.

#2: Taste

Pizzas cooked in a wood-burning stove often have an enhanced flavour you can’t achieve with a gas burner. This enhanced taste often accompanies a distinct smoky flavour that can’t be replicated through any means (even through the use of liquid smoke products).

Gas-burning stoves, on the other hand, offer no boosted taste or additional flavour. In fact, cooking a pizza in a gas stove offers no difference in taste than if you were to cook it in your typical home range. 

Related: 5 Easiest Dishes To Cook in A Wood-Fired Oven

#3: Nutrition

The most significant benefit to having a wood-burning pizza oven is one that few people talk about: the nutritional value. 

With gas-burning stoves and even standard ovens, your pizza must cook at a lower temperature for a longer time, meaning a significant portion of the nutrients in your meats and vegetables are removed.

With wood-burning stoves, however, pizzas cook much quicker due to the higher temperature. A standard cheese or pepperoni pizza can be finished entirely in as little as 80 seconds! 

Then, because your pizza cooks faster, most of the nutrients and antioxidants in your food are preserved, meaning you get to enjoy a much healthier meal!

To Sum it Up: 

Wood-burning stoves host an entire arsenal of benefits that simply can’t be achieved with the average gas stove— and they aren’t small benefits, either. Things like temperature, taste, and nutrition are incredibly important when attempting to make a quality pizza, and gas stoves just don’t make the cut.

More than that, though, wood-burning stoves provide a certain decorative accent that gas stoves can’t touch. You simply can’t beat the look of a freshly crafted wood-burning stove with artisanally laid bricks that can be arranged to suit any style. 

With all this in mind, one thing is certain: whether you’re looking for a traditional pizza oven, something more modern, or anything in between, a wood-burning stove is the way to go.


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